

Hysteria was considered a disease only occurring in
Oh, did we hear stories about hysterical women during
One of the methods to cure Hysteria was that the womb
was supposed to be filled with babies constantly, to
prevent it from wandering and causing strong emotional
outcries. Another cure was putting women away, behind
bars and yet another cure was to let the doctor
masturbate them with vibrators, which caused an
enormous increase of hysteria!
In Galerie Helmut I developed a playful way to decode the stigma of
‘hysteria’ and invited the visitors to participate in a discussion in togetherness.
All visitors were welcome to add drawings of ideal wombs, to discuss the stigma’s of female hysteria in an interactive board-game and to decorate menstruation pads.

Credit pictures: Fanni Papp, galerie Helmut, Leipzig, Germany