Beauty Up High


Beauty Up High is part of the Festival Termites, which was happening in the surroundings of Jean Talon Market during summer 2021.
Termites is a curated project, initiated by Thomas Duret.
The mandate of the festival is to propose micro-interventions in the public space.
Over two entire weekends, the event featured multiple infiltration/action art interventions (of varying lengths) across the vast territory of Greater Montreal.
Termites are social and organized insects (like ants) and can cause great damage to apparently solid structures (mostly made of wood).
Thus, a house can collapse without warning after having seen its frame being eaten away by termites for several months. Since infiltration/action art is a performance that shakes everyday life and power structures, the image of termites takes on its full meaning in what this form is subversive and potentially revolutionary in terms of proliferation.
During the three hour performance Beauty Up High, I invited conversations with passer by’s about beauty, ageing and self care, while intensively grooming myself in the public space, checking every wrinkle and applying creams, make up and combing my hair viciously.

Le comité de Termites –
Anna Doumet – Scénographe/Design
Emmalie Ruest – Chorégraphe
Karl Fournier – Urbaniste
Thomas Duret – Commissaire

credit pictures: Lucas Prud’homme