What is love? (Baby, don’t hurt me)


What is love? (baby, don’t hurt me) is inspired by the themes femicide, microaggressions in the public space and tabu’s about romantic love.
The term femicide was first used in England in 1801 to signify “the killing of a woman. Another term used is feminicide, which is properly formed from the Latin femina, meaning “female”.
The current usage of this word emerged with the 1970s feminist movements, which aimed to raise feminine consciousness and resistance against gender oppression. Diana Russell used the term at the Crimes Against Women Tribunal in 1976 while “testifying at the first International Tribunal on Crimes against Women in Belgium”.
Here is part of what she wrote for the proceedings:
‘We must realize that a lot of homicide is in fact femicide.
We must recognize the sexual politics of murder.
From the burning of witches in the past, to the more recent widespread custom of female infanticide in many societies, to the killing of women for “honor,” we realize that femicide has been going on a long time.’
And sadly, femicide is still going on, the newspapers were filled with articles about women, who were murdered by their husbands and ex lovers.

Premiere august 2022 Meetfactory, Prague.
Credit: Maria Karlakova