La guerre en moi/The war within



La Guerre en moi présente une performance en kaléidoscope sur les racines; celles de chacun et celles de l’histoire, et la façon dont celles-ci affectent notre perception de la réalité.

La guerre en moi-The war within is a kaleidoscopic performance about how to connect with your roots, how roots are related to events (like wars) in history as well as how roots of your family history influence our personal lives and most of all,how this affects our view on reality.

How can we learn from past wars, our personal history and the impact the world has on us?

With the help of the audience, this performance explore themes like ancestry, exclusion,

belonging and honoring our past before we are able to leave the past behind.

Interview Spirale, Januari 2016:




Notes from participants of the performance, L’Oeuf 402 in Montreal:

“I want to let you know that I am still thinking of your performance -yesterday the number on my arm disappeared – I thought of what I heard what I know about history and about how all that stories are still going on – repeat and repeat with variations.”

“I am really touched by your work -how you introduce your individual story into the collective one or the collective one into your own – thanks so much!”


This performance is multi-lingual, non linear, performative and contains objects, movement and visuals, combined with text and music.
It lasts about 45-50 minutes and has audience-participation.

March 22-24, 2012 – Premiere International home theatre festival, Montreal

June 23, 2013-  Pae short, performance event, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

2014 16 october: L’Oeuf 425, Montreal

2014 22 september : Bain St. Michel, Montreal

January 12, 2015 – JMU University, Harrisonburg, USA

April 23, 25, 2015  – Cercle Carre, Montreal