

Guido Luciani

D.V. is an homage to Diana Vreeland, the famous “fashionista pur sang”, known columnist for Harper’s Bazar, editor of Vogue, and curator of the Costume Institute of the Metropolitan Museum of Art during the seventies.
Through a non-linear narrative, Diane Vreeland’s life and career, passions, love-life and friendships are unraveled in a multi-media performance.
A life full of freedom, allowing the senses to rule and in which beauty and fashion were celebrated every second!

D.V. premiered at the Freestanding Room for the Harvest IV Festival (Oct. 7-10, 2010) and Aria Studios (Jan. 26-29, 2011) in both French and English.

Duration: 45 minutes
Text: Jacqueline van de Geer
Coaches: Anna Fuerstenberg, Carlo Allachi
Choreography: Nicoletta Dolce
Images: Guido Luciani